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Decontamination and Disinfection - Gatineau QC

Do you care about mould remediation and asbestos remediation?

​Are you worried that your property or workplace will suffer the adverse effects of these contaminations? Let us explain why you absolutely must pay attention to mould decontamination and asbestos decontamination.

Mould decontamination

Mould is a major nuisance in some areas of your home. It darkens grout lines in your shower, discoulors drywall, shows up as black spots on siding, darkens decks, grows and rots wet wood everywhere. Even worse, it can be bad for your health. Mould releases microscopic spores that can cause allergic reactions, runny noses and sneezing, as well as irritating and even noxious odors.

As soon as you notice mould inside your home, you should contact a mould inspector and a cleaning professional as soon as possible. Mould remediation will keep your home safe for you, your loved ones and your pets.

Hiring a professional mould cleaning or decontamination company will ensure that mould colonies in your home are taken care of, even in places where they are undetectable.

Our professionals will also consider your health and safety, will use protective equipment, such as goggles, gloves and respirators, to avoid any concerns.

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Asbestos decontamination

Asbestos is a natural mineral made up of soft, flexible fibers that resist heat, electricity and corrosion. These qualities make the mineral useful, but they also make exposure to asbestos highly toxic. Asbestos is an effective insulator and can be used in fabrics, paper, cement, plastic and other materials to make them stronger. But when asbestos dust is inhaled or ingested, the mineral fibers can become permanently trapped in the body. Over decades, trapped asbestos fibers can cause inflammation, scarring, and possibly genetic damage. Thus, and in order to avoid any discomfort or side effects, a decontamination procedure must be carried out each time a person leaves an asbestos area, or when the removal work is completed.

Call our professionals

It goes without saying that the decontamination of mould and asbestos or even vermiculite decontamination requires the intervention of professionals or specialized cleaning companies. Do not risk your health, call on the services of our disinfection company in Gatineau if you live in the area, you will benefit from a quality service without risk and without hassle.​​

See also: How to disinfect a mattress?

Call us today for a free quote

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